Saturday, September 17, 2011

curious cucumber

Well, it's been a stretch between posts and how did it become mid-September -- but before summer ends I wanted to take note of a tea that tastes somewhat summery whether hot or cold.  It's Tazo Cucumber White and though it's not new, it's new to me; it's a blend of white tea, lime peel, dandelion leaves, Black Darjeeling, cucumber, peppermint, lemon myrtle, natural flavors and lime essence oil.  I really like its almost herbal, mellow limey taste (and I'm not a white tea fan at all so perhaps the touch of Darjeeling is a boost), but I have noticed that other internet reviews vary from dislike to love to vague confusion.  I think it's good served iced with a wedge of cucumber and honey or a few leaves of fresh basil; also good brewed hot and sipped straight or with honey; and I'd imagine that it's a natural for the teatime favorite of little cucumber sandwiches.  Or this Kraft Tazo Cucumber White Golden Shortbread Recipe sounds rather interesting too....

(Cucumber Image from Wikimedia Commons)