Wednesday, June 27, 2012

how coffee revolutionized the world

Coffee:  thought-provoking, enjoyed by goats, and it helps keep gout away!

Coffee Revolutionized the World

Sunday, June 10, 2012

brave brew

One of The Republic of Tea's latest offerings celebrates Brave, Disney/Pixar's upcoming animated venture about a 10th century Scottish lass named Merida caught up in her own quest for identity.  Brave Orange Caramel Red is a roobois paired with the promised citrus and caramel flavors, the orange and roobois combo perhaps complementing Merida's mane of fiery hair.  Click here for The Republic of Tea's Brave link, and to watch a wee bit of the movie....

Monday, June 4, 2012

a twist on lemonade

June is National Iced Tea Month (as opposed to January, which is National Hot Tea Month), and then there's always the warm weather classic:  a tall cool glass of lemonade.  Next time you make a pitcher of lemonade, however, think about substituting one cup of well-steeped, chilled Tazo Cucumber White for a cup of water.  It tones down the lemonade's sweetness with a nice herbal cucumber note, as does adding a garnish of fresh basil or rosemary, or even a slice of cucumber along with a wedge of fresh lemon.

Spring being a tough act to follow, God created June.  -- Al Bernstein

Pictured:  Still Life with Lemons on a Plate -- Vincent van Gogh, 1887 (Van Gogh Museum/Wikimedia Commons)