Sunday, July 22, 2012

three's a cocktail

Got lemons, limes and oranges?  Gin and raspberries?  Extra basil from your garden or windowsill?  Then whip up this Three Citrus Basil Cocktail from Vegetarian Times (click here for recipe) -- it's both healthy and deliciously intoxicating, especially on a summer's day.

(Pictured:  Lemons and Mandarines -- Louis Valtat, 1902)(image from

Sunday, July 8, 2012

tea time and tee time

Winnie the Pooh author A.A. Milne said it best when he noted how one of the fun things about being disorganized is always making exciting discoveries in your own cluttered little world.  Like while cleaning out stacks of old magazines, I found an issue of the lovely TeaTime  from two years ago, featuring its enticing Golfer's Tea.  It's a black and green tea blend with lemon (click for the recipe), sort of in the realm of the Arnold Palmer iced tea/lemonade classic but I'd guess the jasmine green and mint give it a nice twist.  TeaTime's Fruit Shots sound like a delicious and healthy pair-up with a chilled glass of Golfer's Tea, whether you're out there on the links or whether you're like me and have no idea where the nearest course is....